The east branch of the Swift River on a very early fall day. This burst of color presented itself because a road cut allowed sunlight to pour into this one small corner.
The Swift River is one of the tributaries of the Quabbin Reservoir, a huge artificial lake that provides drinking water to Boston and dozens of that city's suburbs.
Well upstream of the reservoir, the Swift River Reservation is a mix of spooky and beautiful... spooky owing to the cellar holes, stone fences and other residue from colonial times... beautiful in its varied terrain, wild variety of flora and fauna, and the river itself.
It's mid-state, near the sleepy but welcoming town of Petersham. Don't miss the country store and be sure to visit the library and the moldering former upscale girls' school next door.
Available unframed. For purchase information, see my Daily Paintworks gallery, http://www.dailypaintworks.com/artists/dave-gehman-5486/artwork
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